GamingValiant Hearts The Great War Exclusive Interview

Valiant Hearts The Great War Exclusive Interview


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Valiant Hearts: The Great War is the story of crossed destinies and broken love in a world torn apart by war, and we got to sit down with Ubisoft to talk about it.


The emotional journey follows four characters inextricably drawn together over the course of the game as they brave the battles and difficulties of the Great War alongside their faithful canine companion. Friendship, love, sacrifice and tragedy befall each as they help each other to retain their humanity against the horrors brought on by war.


I sat down with both Gregory Hermittant and Guillaume Cerda, who are both Associate Producers on Valiant Hearts: The Great War to talk about the influences on the game, the characters and story and much more. It’s quite a long interview and there is some new gameplay footage in there too:

The game will be available for download on Xbox LIVE for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One, on the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, and PC Digital on June 25th.

Andrew Edney
Andrew Edney
I am the owner and editor of this site. I have been interested in gadgets and tech since I was a little kid. I have also written a number of books on various tech subjects. I also blog for The Huffington Post and for FHM. And I am honoured to be a Microsoft MVP since January 2008 - again this year as an Xbox MVP.

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